
kurs270 avatar image
kurs270 asked

ser2net-like solution under venus OS

Until now, I had a dedicated RasPi running for streaming AIS messages from a serial port into the local network.

I would now like to save the dedicated PI and do the same on my PI running venus OS, since it is running 24/7 anyway. ser2net, however, is not available in OPKG. Is there any similiar solution available on venus OS or do I have to dive into the adventure of building it (and any required libs) from source?

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1 Answer
kurs270 avatar image
kurs270 answered ·

In the meantime I have found a solution. It can be done via signal-k, which of course requires venus os large.

Just set up the usb device as a data source in signal-k, prevent serial-starter from grabbing the port (described


) and connect to port 10110 on the venus device.

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