In the lowest/highest cell voltage fields (with cerbo) before the voltage I always see codes like 0102, 0103 and so on. The rightmost digit always stays between 1 and the number of (pylontech) batteries in my installation, and I only have one group of batteries. So, I simply inferred that, for instance, a 0103 3.318V in the lowest cell voltage field simply means that the battery containing the cell with the lowest voltage amongst alle the batteries (3.318V in this example) is the number 3 in group 1. Hence, the code 0103 does not actually refer to particular cell within a battery but to a particular battery in the whole battery installation.
Also, I assume that the numbering of the batteries within a group starts from the master: so the master of the group is battery 1, the battery attached via canbus directly to the master is 2 and so on following the chain of canbus links.
Can anyone confirm that this is indeed the meaning of the lowest/highest cell voltage (and also of the maximum/minimum cell temperature)?