
jeffreytobias2 avatar image
jeffreytobias2 asked

Does fan operate using Autotransformer as dual Multiplus split-phase load balancer (schematic 4)?

When using the Autotransformer in schematic 4, does the fan still function normally? I’ve been told by someone in a Facebook group that theirs did not run and a Victron dealer told them that’s because the neutral is spliced together between the two inverters so the board in the autotransformer does not get power since the circuit cannot be completed. I called the dealer and they said Victron told the it should work but when they bench tested on it did not work. I s been waiting a few days for further information so posting here. Anyone have any related information?

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jeffreytobias2 avatar image jeffreytobias2 commented ·
@Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) @mvader (Victron Energy) do you have any experts that can advise if the fan should work normally for this use case? Continuous Resources told me they reached out to Victron and Victron said it should work normally but when they bench tested it the fan did not function. They are working with their installer and Victron to try and figure out why their bench test is not working. Hoping to expedite feedback so I can understand if the fan will work or not so I can pivot my plan if needed.



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1 Answer
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hello, the fan is controlled by temperature only, so the way the AT is installed is not relevant. As long as there is 120/240Vac the cooling will be active when needed

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