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split phase system

I am currently working with a customer that has a split phase system. There are two units (120v) that are connected as split phase. Only one of the units is now faulty . In a faulty split phase system is it possible to change just the faulty unit or both of the units need to be changed ? The reason for my question is that Victron highly recommends that the units need to be connected together in a system have to be similar i.e. same part number and a year of production etc. .Do we need to inform Victron through warranty so that both units to be replaced?.

split phase
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

I think as long as the replacement unit is the same model and has the same firmware, all will be good. Closest matching is needed for units operating in parallel, but a split (or three) phase system is not so critical.

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