
frankieb avatar image
frankieb asked

Why is my charge amperage all over the place?

The amperage from my alternator to my 12-12-30 Orion Smart isolated charger to my two LiFePo4 batteries keep jumping from 47 to 6. Amp meter shows 6 amps for 8 seconds, then 47 amps for 4 seconds. Over and over again, just keeps alternating between the two. The distance is about 14' and the wire gauge is 8 AWG. Why is this happening? Is there something wrong with this setup?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

What do you mean from your alternator? The Orion input should be connected to your start battery, not directly to your alternator. Please post a photo and/or diagram of your setup so we can further assist.
Also - if your input-side round-trip distance is 14' from the start battery to the Orion input, the 8AWG is too small - you'd need 6AWG minimum to keep voltage drop under 3%. If it's 14' one-way, then it's actually dangerously undersized - but hopefully you did mean the round-trip distance.

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