
scotts avatar image
scotts asked

Custom GUI window?


I am new VenusOS. I have it currently install on a Raspberry Pi 4. I have a development back ground. I was looking for info regarding adding a new customized home screen. The idea being I want to create a high level layer. It would display a clock, icons for a Media player, Radio, and Solar perhaps with a changeable back ground etc.. Depending on what icon is pressed it will open that system. With the solar icon going to the stock (GUI Mod) layout.

Ideas, thoughts, or advice?


gui mods
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Integrating media player, radio and non-Victron devices into Venus OS would be a major undertaking. You'd need to write drivers for each device that publishes parameters of interest on dbus then writing pages for device control. While Venus OS is based on unix, adding additional apps to run along side of the Venus components may be difficult.

It may be less of an effort to have a separate "home control" computer running an app already designed for device control, then integrating the Venus OS GUI into that either via the main GUI web page or the "marine" web page (venus.local/app). That's what most do when integrating Victron into a multi-function display on a boat for example.

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scotts avatar image
scotts answered ·

thanks for the thoughts. I was wondering about adding the VenusOS GUI into something existing already..

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