
simon-jukes avatar image
simon-jukes asked

MQQT / Modbus command to turn on / off charging

Hi all

Just wonder if anyone knows the mqqt topic or modbus register to activate / deactivate a scheduled charge in ESS?

If there isn't one currently, with more and more smart electric tariffs coming on the market, it would be useful to be able to switch charging on / off with in ESS from an automation based on the current unit rate of electricity.



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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

You can use the custom node in node red and set the charging amps to 0 to disable inverter charging.

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simon-jukes avatar image simon-jukes commented ·

Hi Derrick

Thanks for the reply

Good point, that would disable charging, I will have to work around that idea.

I currently have a 4 hour cheap rate window where ESS Scheduled charge is active and the SOC is set according the the estimated solar for the next day. So set a low SOC and the inverter is basically idle and all loads are using cheap rate electricity.

I can't use a 24 hour scheduled charge because the battery would never discharge regardless of the set soc.

Ideally, the option to set a 24 hour ESS charge and turn it on and off from node red would be ideal as this would allow the batteries to discharge normally when on peak rate, but charge at off-peak rate and not allow discharging either

Not sure if just changing the charge rate would stop the batteries discharging during cheap rate but I will give it some thought.

Thanks again


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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas simon-jukes commented ·
Changing the charg rate would have no effect on discharging.
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simon-jukes avatar image simon-jukes derrick thomas commented ·
That's what I though, ideally need to be able to control discharge as well. One other thing I am waiting for more info on, is how the dynamic charging feature which is being discussed in a webinar next week, that might answer a lot of the questions
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elvis avatar image
elvis answered ·

Is this a Multiplus?

Maybe turning the Multiplus charger to inverter only with register 33 will do what you want.

1=Charger Only;2=Inverter Only;3=On;4=Off
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simon-jukes avatar image simon-jukes commented ·
Yes, it's a MultiPlus 2

Charger / Inverter may do it


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