
Thomas Whittle avatar image
Thomas Whittle asked

Unplug cerbo GX over winter?

Hi all,

I hope all's well?

I have a small solar setup which which includes a cerbo GX. The weather is starting to turn now and solar production dropping and I'm thinking about turning the Cerbo GX off over winter because it consumes around 12W continuously which over 24 hours is nearly 300W a day, which I wont generate in a day over the winter months.

My question is, can i just pull out the power cable on the cerbo GX and leave the black and red cables connected to the battery? Or would that be unsafe and should I remove the red and black connections from the battery terminals?

Many Thanks!


cerbo gx
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1 Answer
fordens avatar image
fordens answered ·

Pulling the cable plug out of Cerbo GX is enough for what you want, no battery draw will happen.

If I was to do it on regular basis, I would just solder an inline switch on the feed cable (red), in order to not mess the connector with pulling/pushing back the plug all the time and possibly damaging the pins.

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