
travis-gray avatar image
travis-gray asked

Dual Battery set up

Does anyone have a diagram for how to set up the smart shunt with a parallel set up? I have two 115ah Batteries set up in parallel in my camper and want to add a shunt to monitor. The diagrams in the manual are only in series or I missed it.


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2 Answers
matthias-nagel avatar image
matthias-nagel answered ·

The shunt must be installed into the combined minus path like this

  1. +-----------------+
  2. | |
  3. +----| + Battery 1 - |----+
  4. | | | | +---------+
  5. | +-----------------+ | | |
  6. <----+ +-----| Shunt |----> to loads/chargers
  7. | +-----------------+ | | |
  8. | | | | +---------+
  9. +----| + Battery 2 - |----+
  10. | |
  11. +-----------------+

Simply consider both parallel batteries as a single huge one. Just draw a virtual frame around both batteries and forget that there are actually two batteries inside that frame.

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·


Simple mark up. Best to take the feeds from opposite batteries.

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