
Richard Pearce avatar image
Richard Pearce asked

SmartSolar MPPT no longer showing on VRM

I’ve had a SmartSolar MPPT connected and functioning correctly on a system using a VE direct cable to a Venus GX. Initially all was well but at some point the reporting seems to have been lost onto the VRM. With the solar disconnected the blue bulk light flashes and is solid with solar connected. This is DC coupled in a system which also has a Multiplus 2 and a Solis AC coupled solar inverter on the input side. I’ve today checked all wiring and changed the VE direct cable over to port 2 on the Venus with no change. The MPPT shows as charging but is just not reporting on the VRM. My next move is to try another VE direct cable, unless anyone has any suggestions. I’ve read all the other threads I can find on this to no avail.

VRMMPPT SmartSolar
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7 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @Richard Pearce

Just to confirm is it just not showing in VRM or not showing on the local web view as well?

ie if you go to http://venus.local when on the same network/wifi as the gx device.

Then press space/enter the menu.

Can you see the smartsolar MPPT in the devices list here? If not then I agree sounds like a cable might be at fault, especially if the MPPT seems to be working. (to check all is working it may be worth using victron connect app to connect via bluetooth to the MPPT just to check all is as it should be).

You could also check devices under device list on VRM. It'll likely show when the connection disappeared, might give you a clue as to when the issue arose/what might have caused it.

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Richard Pearce avatar image
Richard Pearce answered ·

Hi @matt1309

Thanks for your response. I’ll get the customer to try connecting as you’ve suggested when he’s next on the same network over the weekend.

This happened with no change from the customer to the setup around 6 months ago as it indeed has disappeared from the device list on VRM. Just picking this one back up after a bereavement with the customer.

Will report back.

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Richard Pearce avatar image
Richard Pearce answered ·

Hi @matt1309

Ok, some progress on this.

The MPPT doesn’t appear in device list if accessed on the local network. Using Bluetooth everything is reporting normally.

Having moved the VE direct cable from input 1 to input 2 on the Venus GX, there was no change so I’ve sent a replacement VE Direct cable which should eliminate that. Then it’s down to input on the Venus GX or output on the MPPT. And I guess the only way to check that is to swap the Venus GX for a new unit, likely a Cerbo.

Will update when the cable is changed.

I have to say, I’m no big fan of the VE Direct connectors.

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Richard Pearce avatar image
Richard Pearce answered ·

Hi @matt1309

New VE Direct cable installed. :-) No change. :-(

So I guess options are,

1, Update firmware on the Venus GX if available.

2, Update firmware on the MPPT if available.

3, perform a factory reset on the GX

4, try another GX device.

If none of that works, is there a way to test the VE direct side of things?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @Richard Pearce

Regarding "If none of that works, is there a way to test the VE direct side of things?": What you can do is attach a VE.Direct USB cable between the MPPT and a PC (windows/mac) and use the windows/mac version of VictronConnect to check whether there is communication on the MPPT's VE.Direct port.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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Richard Pearce avatar image
Richard Pearce answered ·

Hi @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

Thanks for that. I’ll have to get hold of a VE direct to USB cable.

Is there a way to use the same cable to test whether the Venus GX is communicating ok?

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Hi @Richard Pearce

Unfortunately not with a regular VE.Direct USB cable, because the isolators that are both in the cable and in the Venus GX don't get any power (which it normally supplied by the MPPT).

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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Richard Pearce avatar image
Richard Pearce answered ·

Hi @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

Thanks for that. Picking this back up as visited the customer to perform checks as he was no longer confident in swapping cables himself.

The Smart Solar MPPT is available via bluetooth, Wifi and via the USB to VE Direct cable, so no issues with the SMART Solar MPPT. I even tried plugging the USB into the USB Hub attached to the Venus GX which again showed no device on the VRM.

I performed a successful firmware update of the Venus GX

I performed a successful firmware update to the MPPT

No change.

So the connection to the MPPT from GX to MPPT is working well, but the data from the MPPT is not being read by the Venus GX either through VE Direct or USB and the data is being transmitted through the USB cable (and therefore through the VE Direct cables by default), so the MPPT is not the culprit.

Unless I'm mistaken, the problem lies within the Venus GX.

Options I'm guessing are to reinstall the firmware and/or replace the Venus with a Cerbo.

Any assistance gratefully received.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
..or, if you have smart networking configured, remove it, as it can cause conflicts.
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Richard Pearce avatar image Richard Pearce nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks @nickdb , this feature is not used on site and not enabled on the MPPT.

One other strange occurrence is that there’s multiple instances of the third party BMS showing on the GX with only the last one showing data. The Venus seems to add more over time. A GX reboot resolves this but they appear again over time.

I’m beginning to think the Venus needs factory reset and having a new firmware install.

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Richard Pearce avatar image
Richard Pearce answered ·

Hi @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

We now have a conclusion to this episode. After numerous posts and hours spent plus two cables and a 2hr round trip to the customers premises, the issue fixed itself! Hoorah? Well no, not really, seeing as the newest update to the VRM has brought this MPPT back to visibility again. We always thought it had disappeared after an update but weren’t sure exactly when. Glad it’s back? Yep! Happy with the situation…ask me in a few weeks.

Thanks to all who have tried to help resolve this situation. Also to the tech who rewrote the VRM to bring it back.

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