
rheinskipper avatar image
rheinskipper asked

Blue Smart IP65 or IP67?

I want to buy a IP67 12/17 or IP65 15A charger for permanent installation on my boat with 165A AGM battery.

The IP67 is better protected, a little bit cheaper and has 2A more power. Other features look identical. So why are there two different model lines? What are the advantages of the IP65?

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1 Answer
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hello, Indeed, they are essentially the same however the IP65 has the feature that with the mode button various options can be selected which the IP67 doesnt have.

Beside this also the connections are different, the IP65 charger comes with both crocodile clips and M8 eyelets.

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yeswhynot avatar image yeswhynot commented ·
hi Johannes wich options are you talking about that only 65 has?
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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ yeswhynot commented ·
The ones listed - the physical mode button and the quick-connection options. The IP67 does not have a physical mode button, and does not have the quick-connection options.
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