
Jan Urbánek avatar image
Jan Urbánek asked

One MPPT 250/100 goes to 0W after battery charged

I have two 250/100 MPPT and once is battery close to full one MPPT stil same goes to 0W. I have grid feed in for 10kW so after battery charged both MPPTs should feed the grid.

In past it worked well but now it start make this issue.

I have reset MPPTS, I have update all, check PV string for issues, no reason to do so.

If i make the consumtion in house like water warmup the 0W goes to produce but stop again. Looks like not only want to feed the grid.

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @Jan Urbánek

I assume given it worked before you have feed in excess DC enabled.

I would maybe check the MPPT's connection to the GX device/confirm it's included within the device list. It may be the case that there's an issue with the connection to GX so MPPT just ramps down to 0 rather than only ramping down if grid export limit is being hit

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Jan Urbánek avatar image
Jan Urbánek answered ·

Hi, I have grid feed in from April till last month it worked.

MPPT is connected and listed in Cerbo, i have try deiferent cables and change MPPT connection order in line. Nothink change this issue. As i told when house need power or charge battery it start working but not feed in to grid.

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