
rikhf avatar image
rikhf asked

ESS questions. ACout1 negative not showing and grid setpoint ruins everything

The system: entire house on ACout1 and a SolarEdge inverter on ACout1 as well but the Cerbo doesn't know this (yet). The situation:


As you can see it looks like nothing is going on on ACout1 but it is. There is more power produced at the moment than what the house uses but it never shows negative figures. If it is positive it shows data correct. For my own understanding I would like to know why this is. Soon I will make the SE inverter visible for the Cerbo, that will solve the problem off course but as I said I would like to know for my own understanding.

Second question; Grid setpoint was set to 0W. After a while the system refused to load the battery and also did not feed excess DC solar into the grid. After setting setpoint to 50W everything works fine. What causes this? This setting will cost 50x24x365=438kWh per year...

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

As the system cant see you PV inverter on ac1 out yet its getting confused - so get a ac current sensor installed on your pv grid tie inverters output and add the assistant to the multi then see how you go. I think you will find it will all start to work a lot better

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