
silverfox avatar image
silverfox asked

GX Cerbo Update V3.01 Lost AC Current sensor and more...

I have a PV inverter (no IP) going through a Victron AC Current Sensor. The PV inverter connects to a Quattro output. Worked fine with GX 2.80

I just upgraded to GX 3.01 and suddenly the PV inverter has disappeared from Remote Console and VRM Dashboard!

The 'advanced' even logs the moment it disappeared - right when I upgraded to 3.01, at 12:19pm today. PVinverterDisappeared.jpg

Also, the Dashboard now shows no AC loads at all.

I made sure the Current Sensor Assistant was installed in VE Connect. Just to be sure, I installed it again.

Remote Console does not detect it at all. I tried redetecting and restarting. It's as if it does not exist.

Can you help me re-install my AC Current Sensor?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
kuri avatar image
kuri answered ·

Did you need anything specific from the firmware update? If not just roll back the firmware and see if that brings it back. If it doesn't need updating then don't update as it can cause problems like this.

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silverfox avatar image
silverfox answered ·

I rolled back to v2.93 and now all is well. I guess I'm really surprised Victron would release firmware that was so unfinished. Thanks for your help.

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