We have a customer who wants to connect the Victron Smartshunt product to the Victron LoRaWAN module but the connection doesn't work and this is puzzling given that BMV products are compatible with the LoRaWAN device and that the Smarthunt is basically a BMV product minus the display. Is there any technical reason why the Smartshunt is not compatible with the LoRaWAN Device? If so, are Victron planning on making a change to the Smartshunt so that becomes compatible with the LoRaWAN device?
The same customer has asked if Victron have with in their product road map smaller versions of the Phoenix IP43 Smart chargers. A 10A or 15A rated version with VE.Direct port would be useful for telemetry based applications running off street light circuits where mains power is only available for 12 hours a day.