I have an isolated DC-DC Charger connected with 4 AWG wire from a tow vehicle to trailer. There is little to no voltage drop in the wiring. I have 400 watts of rooftop solar connected to a Smart Solar MPPT 100/30. Batteries are 2 Battleborn 270 AH GC3 Lithium. Please review the attached iPhone screen shots taken while underway on the highway in partly sunny weather. One is from VRM and the other from near simultaneous Victron Connect. I think I have gotten more from the Orion in the past. Now its maximum appears to be no more than 200 watts where I have seen 300 in the past. Why is the difference of 13 V from the DC-DC charger so different from the 13.83 volts from the solar charger? Are these 2 units conflicted with each other? Is there something I can do to increase the charger output?