
lukasl28 avatar image
lukasl28 asked

Is it possible to mark Inverters as non PV Inverters

My Problem:

I want to include my wind turbine inverter in the Victron system (like you would with third party PV inverters) so I can see everything in one place.

My Question:

Is this currently possible? If not, will it mess with my PV yield predictions?

Best regards Lukas L.

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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

HI @LukasL28,

I've just had a look at the energy meter (et112) I have installed on my ac coupled PV inverter. The options for "Roles" in the ET112 are Grid meter, PV Inverter, Generator, AC meter.

I think generator is your best option if you don't want PV predictions to be impact (AC meter will give you data but wont be factored into ESS calculations etc, so if you manage ESS behaviours manually then maybe AC meter is an option)

I think setting an energy meter connected to ouput of the wind inverter to generator is your best bet.

Another alternative is swapping from wind inverter to charge controller for the wind power to go directly into the battery via a Victron smart shunt which can be configured to as a DC monitor (essentially DC coupled wind instead of AC coupled). That's assuming you have relevant safeties in place in addition to the charge controller (ie dump loads/brakes etc).

Snip from smart shunt/BMV manual in case you go charge controller route:

1693903216351.pngManual - SmartShunt (

1693903216351.png (58.3 KiB)
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