
stoneleigh avatar image
stoneleigh asked

Engaging fan with silence fan assistant prevents battery discharge

I have a multiplus II 48/5000/70, with 3 assistants installed: ESS, Silence fan (temp) and AC current sensor to monitor a PV inverter (aux 1).

When there is no pv and the battery is providing the load, I have found that when switching on the fan the batteries (2x pylontech 5000) stop discharging and the power is provided by the mains. There is an ET112 installed directly after the mains grid meter and also a Cerbo GX.

All ac power and loads are connected to AC in/out. AC out 1&2 not used. Because of the Multiplus ‘hum’ we usually have to turn off the multiplus at night, hence this configuration. In the winter I will move the installation to the garage and will not then need the silence fan assistant and will also connect ac 1&2 to the loads.

Any ideas why engaging the fan prevents the batteries from discharging?

disable fans
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1 Answer
stoneleigh avatar image
stoneleigh answered ·

The disable fan assistant can be installed on the Temp sense, Aux 1 or Aux 2.

Correction to the above, I have the AC current sensor installed on the Temp sense. Disable fan assistant was on Aux 1.

After further investigations I have determined the following.

Even with the disable fan assistant removed from Aux 1, closing the circuit on Aux input 1 switches off the inverter, period. So it seems that the presence or not of the fan assistant is irrelevant to the behaviour of Aux input 1.

With the fan assistant installed on Aux input 2 the assistant works as advertised.

i.e. With the disable fan assistant set to ‘disabled on charge or invert when Aux 2 is open’: When Aux 2 is closed and the inverter continues to operate, and the fan is enabled.

Go figure!

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