
anas-patel avatar image
anas-patel asked

Victron Blue Solar DC input and output terminals and cable

Hi all, I've got a simple question regarding the blue and smart solar range. Do the terminals on these controllers both input and output accept 6mm or 8mm ring terminals or do they require you to feed in exposed cable into the terminals? I've got the Victron 12/250 inverter which is currently using 6mm2 10AWG cable slotted directly into the terminals with an Anderson SB50 on the other end. I currently have some 12 AWG cables lieing around terminated with 45A Powerpoles one one end and bare cable on the other.

I am potentially looking at getting a 105W folding 12V panel which uses an Anderson output so wanted to know how to hook up cables to the controller. I currently have a 100W folding panel terminated with MC4 connectors which is running a simple plug and play 14.6V LFP controller fitted with Powerpole 30A connectors on the output which goes to my small 12Ah LFP battery thanks.

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The connections are specified in the manuals for the MPPT. The easiest way to download is from the product page on

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