
johnhb avatar image
johnhb asked

Why does Quattro 15K not lock to genset supply ?


We have been struggling to get a Quattro 10K to accept the AC input from a generator.

We have tried the various options as laid out in the Generator FAQ.

The inverter would lock to the generator supply for a few seconds and then release.

All this time, the VE.Bus port of the inverter was attached to the GX.

We wanted to see the VE.Bus monitor display on VEconfigure so we plugged the MK3-USB adaptor into the VE.Bus port of the inverter.

Immediately, the inverter locked to the AC input and did not release.

When we removed the MK3 cable and reconnected the GX, it released the genset supply again.

Can anyone explain this - or how to fix it.

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