
schollex avatar image
schollex asked

Multiplus AC-in disbalanced


my installation are 2 Multiplus II 3000 (on L1 and L2) with ESS.

The problem is that inverting (= feeding in to AC-in) is sometimes disbalanced, this means that both MPs should produce the same amount of power, but they don't:


You see both MPs were producting the same amount of energy in the morning during moring.
At ~10:00 the MP on L1 starts to produce much more energy than the MP on L2.
At ~12:00, I turned off+on both MPs via Venus-OS - then both MPs again produce the same amount of power.

As the disbalancing can be "repaired" by switching off+on the MPs, I think this clearly indicated that there is a bug within Venus-OS. I run v3.01.

Do you know this problem and does anybody know a solution?



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2 Answers
schollex avatar image
schollex answered ·

I'm still facing this problem. meanwhile on Venus OS v3.3 and on 4 differnt installations.

They all us 2 Multiplus (L1+L2) with ESS and freuquently get disbalanced during feeding-in exceeding power.

As workaround, if disbalance becomes too great, a NodeRed-flow disables feedin for 3 sec and then enables feedin again. This makes both MPs balanced again.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi, i don't think its a problem, looks normal, maybe not the same setup but my system (3 phase multiplus 2 ESS) is doing exactly the same thing...

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schollex avatar image schollex commented ·

For me, it's a problem because the Multis heat up differently. I would like to have balaced multis which is my ESS-setup (Multiphase regulation: total of all phases).

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL schollex commented ·

yes mine heat up differenly too,

multiphase regulation is not for equaling the grid with grid feed in, its for equaling the load on the multi's, see:

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