
snoobler avatar image
snoobler asked

Pylontech SoC based AC ignore?

Please check my config and confirm it will work based on Pylontech BMS supplied SoC:

Desire: ignore AC input at 60% and above. If drop below 60%, use AC input for 30 minutes.

The programmable relay says "State of Charge (internal battery monitor)" - implies it has to be the Quattro's battery monitor. Does this need to be enabled in VE Config? If so, will the Pylontech BMS supplied SoC override the Quattro Battery Monitor?


  • general flag user
  • programmable relay
  • relay locker

general flag:1692125509057.png

programmable relay:


relay locker:



MPPT ControllersVRM
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snoobler avatar image snoobler commented ·
Hmmm... rather than relay locker, I suspect I need two programmable relays:

turn ON above 90% (to ignore AC input and terminate charging)

turn OFF below 60% (to use AC input and initiate charging)

So no more "charge for 30 minutes" behavior... simply stop using AC input above 90% and start using AC input below 60%.

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6 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @snoobler

That "State of Charge (internal battery monitor)" is some sort of throwback. I've previously pointed out that it's misleading, but it remains. Just disable the SOC in the Quattro to make sure. The SOC from the Pylons should be passed across to the Assistants, with no DVCC involvement either. A Smartshunt SOC certainly gets passed across and can be used by Assistants, but if you had both I don't know how that would be dealt with.

Yes, it's normal to have to use two instances of PR. Regardless of the Relay Locker.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

the SOC is taken from the Quattros internal Battery Monitor only when using the Assistants

Suggest you use battery voltage instead


Also if you use a Assistant to ignor AC in then you also have to use a Asistant to turn it back on as well

and of note you may find the on really turns the ac 1 in relay Open and off closes the AC1 in relay

So test it to make sure you get it the correct way around

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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·


I'm successfully doing it with VS and voltages. Would prefer to do it with SoC.

For some reason, I thought the Quattro SoC would be overridden by the BMS SoC.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

The VE bus SOC does synchronise with BMS SOC.

The ignore AC is easily done with the generator assistant.

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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

@Alexandra @JohnC

Thank you both. I think I got there in my second post indicating the need for a second PR. I had encountered the use of the generator assistant, but I didn't grasp the function at a glance. Having gone through the assistants, I think I have it as follows:


Thanks again!

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·


Did that work? I need to do exactly the same thing and I was thinking along exactly the same lines.

I want my quattro to charge my batteries if my SOC drops below 20% and cut off when it rises to above 90%. Currently, I have the grid entirely disconnected but I plan to have it permanently connected but not used unless the assistants need it.

I'm already using the programmable relay assistant to drive AC Out 2. I'm not sure if this is important to mention.

I was confused about the inverter internal SOC. But posts by @Alexandra , @JohnC and @Paul B helped in this regard.


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ Fideri commented ·

Far easier to do with node red.

Monitor the BMS directly and change the soft switch to ON at min SOC and inverter only at max SOC.

Simples, and can be configured on the fly, no config changes.

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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·


That sounds much better. I prefer to do things in Node Red lest I change my mind. I will give it a go. Thanks.


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