
sven-h avatar image
sven-h asked

Is it bad to use a Cyrix-Ct without a leisure battery?

Hello everyone,

of course I know that a Cyrix without a battery on both sides doesn't make sense.
But as my setup is sort of a Pickup with a camper-cell that can be detached I sometimes run into this scenario.

The Cyrix is installed on the car and should be permanently connected to the cars electric system. When the camper-cell is in use it's electric system and the leisure battery will be connected to the car system using an Anderson Connector.

Now I was wondering if it is bad for the Cyrix if the second battery terminal is open and if I should disconnect the Cyrix from the cars system when I'm not using the camper?
I guess it's not a problem, but confirmation would be great.
Couldn't find any information on this, so every answer will be appreciated.



Cyrix Battery Combiner
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1 Answer
kai-fuchs avatar image
kai-fuchs answered ·

This shouldn’t be a problem. It is kinda like installing a light switch but connecting it to power….

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