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brunob asked

#phases used by EV charger depending on charger cable?

I just installed a new EV charging station. After connecting it to my car for the first time, only one-phase (A) charging started at about 3.5kW (@16A). I was expecting about 10kW charging using 3 phases. The settings page did not help (no parameters related to this), no other way of modifying changing settings I could fine. I tried the (re-)calibration which this did not help.

I have 2 charging cables: a short one and a longer one. I changed the shorter for the longer cable and guess what, it started charging using 3 phases at about 10kW. Apparently, the size matters!

BTW, the short cable does work as expected at public charging points.

Anyone similar problems? Why is the charging depended on the cable? What happens here?

ev charging station
2 |3000

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