
jr-spyder avatar image
jr-spyder asked

Using a Multiplus and Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger together

Hi, I have a Multiplus 12/3000/120-50 on my boat. I power it either with shore power or a generator. I have a 600ah LiFePO4 house bank. The Multiplus does just fine but my generator has more capacity than the Multiplus demands, and I'd like to reduce the time I need to run the generator to charge by batteries. My thought is to run a Phoenix Smart IP43 charger in parallel and at the same time as the Multiplus. At max output this would drive 120+50=170 amps into my batteries, which is quite a good improvement. I know people run multiple chargers and/or alternators at once but I've never seen, and cant find, any definitive info on this. I know the IP43 charger has a feature where it can synchronize charging with other IP43 chargers across the network, which is exactly what I want, but with a Multiplus instead.

I also like that the Phoenix Smart IP43 charger will allow me to plug into shore power in marinas in the Caribbean where they only have European spec power.

All advice welcome.



battery charging
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

No reason why not to do this. The chargers will work fine together provided that the voltages are set up right. However, the BMS will need to control the charge current into the batteries whilst equalising, so the float voltage of the Phoenix charger should be set ~200mV loer than the voltages in the Multiplus. Thus at or near full charge, the phoenix will go into float mode and effectively turn off, whilst the Multi provides the charge in the 80 - 100% area.

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