
johnsmith avatar image
johnsmith asked

Prevent data logging with VRM?

Is there a way to prevent data logging to the VRM? I would like some MPPTs that are connected to the DVCC networking on the Cerbo GX to charge within the DVCC parameters as normal but not register the Solar output for the day in the VRM. Is this possible to do?

Would it be possible in the future to add this as an option in Venus OS? Just a checkbox to send or not send the data to the VRM?


MPPT SmartSolar
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Dont connect them to the GX.

Or have a separate GX if you still want some kind of remote monitoring.

The only other way is with a Shunt as a DC meter and they log power moving but not as PV. (This would be done with the mppts not connected to the GX)

I don't think victron will have your request anywhere high up in the list of priorities, since you are using the mppts in a way they are not designed to be used.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Not sure if this is 100% what you are after?


1691533676097.png (262.1 KiB)
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johnsmith avatar image
johnsmith answered ·

Thanks for the reply,

We need a granular solution we we can select which device reports the data back to the VRM as we need to exclude the logging of certain mppts In the system. Basically we have other power sources apart from PV co ming through the mppts on one part of the installation and we don’t want them registering as PV on the VRM.

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johnsmith avatar image
johnsmith answered ·

This really is a short term solution until Victron make an AC to DC charger that has ve direct and ve can and then let bms and DVCC take care of Everything, until then mppts with rectifier telecoms modules is the only way to let the bms control the cc and cv through mppt reliably without writing a whole load of code and using another os which at that point we might aswell come away from victron all together and use another system. Seen as we like the victron stuff and the community we are sticking with it, as we have quite a lot of victron kit. The biggest challenge is charging in 4 hour window and this will become more relevant as he their tariffs will change on the fly. Most houses will need 30-40 kW per day so the current lineup of invertors from victron don’t have the capacity to charge the lipos fast enough , although the invertors output are sufficient for supplying ac loads. I know victron was originally aimed at marine as I had victron stuff 20 years ago in my boat, but now ESS is becoming popular the Charging is becoming more important. The biggest challenge for the future is going to be developing Venus os to accommodate for on the fly charging by the 30 minutes intervals with api to the supplier, this is only a matter of time before they roll this out everywhere. They are already running trials with Tesla and their apis controlling when the chargers will turn on and off depending on load balancing of local phases in their network to accommodate for the demand of EV let alone ESS.

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