I have a sometimes grid-connected setup (RV), with 2x 48V MultiPlus-IIs, connected to 48V smart batteries (SK48V100). I have a Cerbo GX connected to the batteries via CAN-BMS, which auto-enables DVCC.
This setup has been working flawlessly for over a year, with one exception -- when I switch it from "On" to "Charger Only" mode while grid connected, it stops charging. However, when set to "On", the MP2s keep the batteries charged to 100% (which is what I want).
How do I get "Charger Only" to actually charge the 48V batteries?
Here's my read-only VRM view: https://vrm.victronenergy.com/installation/163645/share/8f8ea257
NOTE that you may also see my 12V Battery, which charges off of the 48V batteries. Please disregard it for this query. ;-)
Let me know if there's any additional info needed to help diagnose. Thanks!