
brewera avatar image
brewera asked

How to perform a Firefly "restoration charge" with my Blue Smart IP65 Charger?

I have a firefly battery that requires an occasional "restoration recharge" consisting of the following:

"Restoration Charge As stated, Firefly Batteries can operate in a partial state of charge for long periods of time without sustaining any permanent damage. The usable capacity will decrease, however, with each cycle within a partial state of charge, up to a point. In order to regain the full original capacity and in some cases more, it is necessary to perform a restoration charge. To perform the restoration charge: charge the G31 to 14.4V or the 4V/450AH to 4.8V and continue to charge until the current drops to 0.5 A on the G31 or 3A on a 4V/450AH and apply a float charge of 13.5V(4.5V for 4V model) for 24 hours. Fully discharge the battery to 10.5V (G31) or 3.5V (4V/450AH), and then repeat the same charge cycle."

I am looking for a graceful solution using the charger solely OR in tandem with another piece of equipment to perform a restoration recharge for my Firefly battery. Any advice would be appreciated!

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

It's in the manual as recondition.

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brewera avatar image
brewera answered ·

i saw that reference but am wondering how to best accomplish this task without causing damage. Anyone care to give me some basic steps?

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