
dries-laleman avatar image
dries-laleman asked

Easy solar 24/300/70 Good option for a van build ?

am currently in the process of familiarizing myself with the requirements for my camper build. During my research, I've been exploring various components such as MPPT controllers and inverters. While doing so, I came across a competitively priced product: the Easysolar 24/3000/70. This integrated system appears to offer distinct advantages over purchasing individual components separately. However, I've encountered an issue as I cannot seem to locate this particular model on the website. I'm curious to know whether it has been discontinued or if there were any reported issues with it. Furthermore, I would greatly appreciate an analysis of the pros and cons associated with utilizing the Easysolar 24/3000/70 in my camper build. Your insights would be invaluable to my decision-making process.

Update: I am looking at the old version without CCGX because I can get one for a very reasonable price.

EasySolar All-in-Onecampervan
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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I guess you mean the old EasySolar with the CCGX?

This model not in the pricelist anymore, so I guess it's EOL.

Here is the datasheet: Easysolar-Datasheet.pdf

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dries-laleman avatar image dries-laleman commented ·
Indeed I can get the old one for a very resaonable price. That's why I am thinking about it.
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I used the 1600 version in my van. No problems so far. Very pleased with it. Current range is at:

Note the newer models don't have the integrated trip switches etc. You might prefer separate components.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

@Dries Laleman

This is from the website, and still on the pricelist..

If the components suit you, then it's a good choice.

I use the old model 48/5000. I knew it was large, but overlooked it weighed 48kg. Needed a new wall panel and lifting hook installed to mount it. Very happy with it though.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

@Dries Laleman I've just seen your update.

A GX device adds remote monitoring, integrated control and local monitoring as well. GX devices are quite a significant price. The model @JohnC mentioned is the new Easysolar II with built in GX device. If you can, I'd recommend you do get a GX model. Another advantage is that if you add a generic GPS USB tracker, you get location information as well as local solar forecast.

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Related Resources

EasySolar 1600 product page

EasySolar-II GX 3000 & 5000 product page

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic