
tighernan avatar image
tighernan asked

Ruuvitag attachment

I plan on using the Ruuvitag to monitor temperature of my Orion. How are people attaching their tags to such devices, same idea for solar controllers etc.

orion dc-dc
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2 Answers
nesswill avatar image
nesswill answered ·

To be honest it's not the best way to monitor your equipment but it will give you a rough idea on external temperature but the internal temperature will always be higher.

You would need to place them out of the way of any external influences like airflow or direct sunlight. So not easy but as a rough idea ok i guess.

Others might have some pictures to show where they put there's i have one sitting on top of a outside router as an experiment.

Mine just sits on it but thin double sided tape might be ok but it will insulate it a bit Others might have better ideas.

Good luck and please post pictures of what you do.

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tighernan avatar image
tighernan answered ·

I have played round with this setup for the past week, it actually works good for what it is. Now I want the ruuvi tag attached to the front of the orion charger, linked to the cerbo to run a more efficient cooling fan.20230802-160734.jpg

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