
victronvalhowell6283 avatar image
victronvalhowell6283 asked

Clarification on connection ve can NMEA 200p cable w B&G

I am trying to connect a Cerbo nmea2000 interfavpce cable to a B&G Nmea200p network. Can I connect this to a drop off the network with a simple T?

NMEA 2000 - N2K
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2 Answers
jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary answered ·

It depends, need a bit more information on your victron kit. If you only have the one ve. Can device I.E a cerbo then yes just connect to a T and make sure the service is turned on. You'll need to remove the fuse from the lead though if your victron kit is another voltage other than 12v.

If you have more can kit on the victron side, you either need to bring each one down with it's own cable to a Tee. Or you can daisy chain onto the end of the back bone removing the terminator and installing a victron terminator at the end of the chain. That second option isnt very acceptable to the nmea standard but will work.

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victronvalhowell6283 avatar image
victronvalhowell6283 answered ·

The NMEA cable is the only vecan connection. It is not powered at the cable at all. The service is on. The Cerbo does not show up on the NMEA device list

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