
beard7 avatar image
beard7 asked

Multiplus-II - schedule charge without grid feed-in


I am trying to setup a multiplus-II with the following requirements:

  1. Charge battery during off peak night time tariff.
  2. Batteries should be used to provide power to no break loads.
  3. If batteries are low then pass through grid to no break loads.
  4. No feed-in to the grid or to grid side loads from battery.

I wanted to use grid code "none" to meet requirement 4. However, to meet requirement 1 I believe that I need ESS enabled, which needs a grid code. If I set my grid code is there another option in ESS to disable feed-in?

Or could I meet requirement 1 using modbus or MQTT with the grid code set to "none"?


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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You will have to look into node red.

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