
cleanlivin avatar image
cleanlivin asked

RV Romex cable or Marine meets code requirement?

Airstream BaseCamp 16X, built May 2022. Upgrading factory solar package.

All 120v AC lines from the pole to the prior Progressive Dynamics panel and then to all AC outlets are Romex 10 gauge, 10/2 with ground solid copper wires that Airstream installed at the factory.

Doing some research last night I found several posts reporting that RV Code requires MARINE stranded wire of 10 gauge.

Who is correct, AS with what they installed, so I should just extend at a junction box with a disconnect the cable up to the front of the trailer where the MP-II, etc is housed OR should I at least for the shore power AC input plug to the MP-II and then back to the rear of the trailer for the distribution panel replace all with Marine 10 gauge all stranded copper?

If Marine stranded, Tinned Copper Marine and would 10 gauge do the job?
Thanks folks.

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1 Answer
waninae39 avatar image
waninae39 answered ·

ac wires are solid down to 10AWG

dc wires are stranded

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