Yesterday evening the battery minus connection to the BlueSolar MPPT was interrupted and I noticed that only at dawn, when the device didn't start charging. The yellow LED was blinking repeatedly 7 tmes in a row then a pause of one second with the green LED being constantly on and I thought it was because of the missing battery connection. Yet after resolving the problem and a factory reset with loading the settings from a file created before the reset afterwards the LED pattern is the same as described above. The device is otherwise working properly and doesn't report any errors, neither in the VictronConnect app nor in the remote console. The firmware is reported as up to date. So my questions are
1) what does that blinking pattern mean,
2) how to resolve the issue and
3) why aren't such LED error codes not documented anywhere?
PS: Even though the issue was with some specific hardware and I have a dealer what chance did I have to get support on a Sunday morning? I had to solve the problem immediately to avoid a blackout. Thus having the information concerning the blink codes somewhere on the website or all the codes in the app would be a bright idea IMHO.