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john245 asked

How to measure an accurate grid energy in case you have a SAP and PAP

The situation is that my installation has a Primary Allocation Point (PAP) and Secondary Allocation Point (SAP) as shown below:


Is it possible to add an EM24 energy meter to the SAP and an EM24 energy meter to the PAP. And will the system in that case totalize these values?

I think there are 3 scenario's

  1. PV I and PV II & III connected to PAP (no issue energy meter will give accurate values)
  2. PV I and PV II & III connected to SAP and the Victron system is charging the battery's. No security issue.
  3. PV I and PV II & III connected to SAP and the Victron system is supplying energy to the grid. Security issue with low probability of occurrence.

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