
houser avatar image
houser asked

mppt bluetooth synching in the works?


Happy user here. Plan to experiment with a wind turbine later this summer through a Victron MPPT charger. (Yes, I am aware that is not supported yet).


I read somewhere here that mppt bluetooth synching is in the works.
Is there an ETA for this? Could this help with using multiple Victron MPPT chargers for wind and solar at the same time?

Many thanks

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @houser,
Thank you for your question. We are working on this.
It will become available in the comming month.

best regards
Martijn Coster - Victron Energy

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houser avatar image houser commented ·

Excellent, many thanks for the heads-up Martin!

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houser avatar image houser houser commented ·

Damn you auto correct. I did write thanks Martijn and nothing else ;)

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