
joncaley avatar image
joncaley asked

Blue Solar 75/15 no current or power output


I have a blue Solar 75/10 MPPT charge controller connected to a 150W panel and charging a 12V AGM battery. Using the Bluetooth dongle and the app I can see that the PV voltage is ~22V but it shows as having zero current and power despite delta V > 5V.

The panel +ve and -ve are connected to PV+ and PV- respectively and batt+ is connected to the +ve terminal on the battery. Battery is a leisure battery in a camper van and is grounded to the chassis.

Any help on what is wrong would be gratefully received.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I suspect the fuse has gone open circuit?
The reason I think this is that the battery doesn't seem to be present, there is no minimum battery Voltage being recorded.
The 14.42 - 14.44V that you see is that from solar after the DC-DC converter inside the MPPT.

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