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d-ferdi asked

mppt BlueSolar MPPT 100/50 rev1 don't send hex-data


I haven't received any hex data from a charge controller for some time. I haven't checked whether it can still be controlled via the hex protocol, and I haven't done anything to end this state, since I have way too many other things to do.

does anyone have an idea how this can happen? the firmware 1.17 is still installed. At the next opportunity I will probably update everyone to the latest firmware, but that currently has no high priority on my to-do list and it should probably cause problems with some charge controllers because of the pv voltage at night and the change of day.

I've only tried it once with a restart via vedirect, but that probably didn't work. the next attempt would then be to completely de-energize the charge controller in the hope that it will then work again. I also don't know whether a firmware update can be imported in this state. does anyone happen to know this?


MPPT Controllers
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