
justman777 avatar image
justman777 asked

Issues with VE SmartNetworking on two charge controllers

Hello all!

I have two Smart Controllers (MPPT 150/60 and MPPT 100/30) charging a 800ah LiPo battery bank. I bought the "smart" (non-bluetooth) controllers and added the bluetooth dongles afterwards. I also have a Victron Battery Sense module installed on the batteries. I'm trying to get VE SmartNetworking to work, but can't seem to get the bluetooth dongles to play nicely. I've been able to get both controllers on the network and they can "see" each other when I'm using the app on my Samsung phone. Both controllers can also "see" the battery sense module, and report they're using the battery temp and voltage from the battery sense module. However, they don't appear to be connecting to each other. When using the app, I don't see the "total system power" or whatever it's called. Both charge controllers also don't change charging states at exactly the same time. This indicates to me the charge controllers are not connected to each other. I've confirmed they're both on the same network, and have tried to get them to join the same network using multiple network names. When I go into VE.Smart Networking settings on either of the charge controllers, It lists that charge controller as being correctly configured for networking, and that the other charge controller is "in range for this device". The only difference I can see is one of the bluetooth dongles is listed as a "version 2" and the other is listed as a "version 3". Every component in my system is listed as being updated with the latest update.

Any ideas?

VE.Smart Network
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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

I have two Smart Controllers (MPPT 150/60 and MPPT 100/30) charging a 800ah LiPo battery bank. I bought the "smart" (non-bluetooth) controllers and added the bluetooth dongles afterwards.

The SmartSolar MPPTs do have Bluetooth (for Victron equipment "Smart" denotes Bluetooth).

The BlueSolar MPPTs are the ones without Bluetooth.

Maybe post some screenshots with the relevant settings.

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justman777 avatar image justman777 seb71 commented ·




Here's the settings on the two controllers.

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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@justman777 the original Smart Dongle are not compatible with Smart Networking, model # ASS030536010 .

Probably worth reading the Smart Networking manual. Esp chapters 4 & 5.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VE.Smart Networking Manual