I want to have the best config of our bluesmart IP22 12/30/3 charger for live onboard at a quay, having the charger plugged in for some months, during the winter.
The battery bank is four Victron Gel 90Ah deep cycle, in parallel. The load when not sailing is 0.6 - 15Amp with heater, fridge and LED-lights taking about 150Ah/24h when it's cold in December to March.
When at a quay we have land power all the time. But there is a risc for broken fuses or other failure, which implies a need of a battery bank to keep the heater, with cooling fan running, so it doesn't get overheated in the case of a power failure from the land power. I want the Gel batteries to be as close to untouched as possible to live as long as possible.
Should I set the charger in Power Supply mode? Which voltage is recommended to support the loads, but not affecting the Gel batteries that shall be fully charged? Storage voltage is 13.2V when in Charge mode.