I have a MultiPlus 3000VA (24/3000/230) directly connected to the battery, as well as a separate circuit for 24V for lights protected by a Smart-BatteryProtect.
The issue is that if I connect a 230V power adapter (for example 80W adapter for PC) to the 230V output of the MultiPlus, it triggers the battery protect on the separate circuit. It only happens when the adapter has been disconnected for a while, and are properly discharged. Using search mode also helps, as it charges the adapter a bit before powering on, but it only helps if nothing else is connected.
Do anyone have any experience with this issue? My backup to make an adapter with an resistor to charge any adapter before use, but that's not a good solution for a off-grid cabin used by different people.
A (little) simplified sketch of the system is enclosed below: