
ecoman avatar image
ecoman asked

Resetting pin code on BMV-712 without PUK code?

Hi Victron experts, here's a tough one I am at loss with.

I visited a neigbor today to check out his solar system issues, and while everything else is now sorted, there's a remaining issue with a Victron BMV-712, to which he cannot connect as he doesn't have the PIN code, and the default 000000 doesn't work anymore. I tried to look up the PUK code at the back of the BMV, but the sticker is gone, only residual of the glue remains - so he is stuck without PIN and PUK codes.

I asked about the history of the BMV-712, and he told me that the dealer who installed this (years ago) sold him used gear (removed from some previous installation, so there is no order number at dealer to try to trace back to the original owner and order number).

Is he now stuck forever with a BMV nobody can connect to, and no PUK code to reset - or is there a way to trace this back to the correct PUK with just the serial number? Clearly he is kinda used to it already after living without possibility to connect for years, but still, would be nice to get this last problem sorted.

I took a photo of his connection attempt showing the serial number of the BMV-712, any chance to trace back from the serial to the PUK he needs (without having the luxury of getting it via the dealer)? See the serial HQ1901QBEMB in the pic below. Can anyone tell how old this unit is?

Can Victron help with getting this back on track?



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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.