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aquabelle asked

Piggy-Back a Non Victron meter to a Smar

I have a BEP/Marinco DC meter installed in my DC Breaker Panel and it has its own shunt (450A/50mV). I want to replace that shunt with a 500A SmartShunt (which will be VE.Direct-connected to a CCGX). I'd like to keep the BEP panel meter operational.

I am proposing to drill and tap the M10 bolts on the SmartShunt to take the small wires that are held in by small screws to the side of the BEP shunt. Can anyone see a problem in doing that?

(The BEP meter can be calibrated for what I'm guessing will be the small impact of the change from 450A to 500A, noting the 50mV is common to both).

(I know I could cable up the two shunts in parallel, but would prefer to avoid that.)

Thanks in advance.

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