
ash13-mx avatar image
ash13-mx asked

Easy solar fault finding

Hi guys,

Hope you can point me in the right direction. Recently my battery charge readings have been all over the place. This was the First sign that something wasn’t quite right - I had a design the batteries were staring to fail.

One night my partner accidentally put on the washing machine forgetting my warning and the system couldn’t handle it and turned itself off.

Looking into the batteries, the batteries were reading fully charged but they definitely weren’t. In the past where the batteries have blown the system shuts itself off and I get low voltage warnings/read outs etc but Nothing this time.

Looking at the system itself, the one/off and charger only light is no longer on. When I turn the system ina be off the lights flash once then no lights at all or even a red light indicating a fault.

On the Bluetooth app the system is showing that it’s on, and fully charged - it clearly isn’t. The system just feels like it dead to me

I have 4x rolls 6v 4000 hc batteries coming on Tuesday thinking that is the issue but now I am doubting that is the issue and that it might be either the charge controller or maybe a blown fuse/rcd?

Also a couple of weeks prior to this happening with my colour control has gone faulty getting stuck on the logo - maybe a separate issue.

I have had this system now for just under 5 years.

I have disconnected the panels, batteries, solar charge controller hoping this could reset it but it does the same thing when I reconnect it, the lights flash once then no more lights on after that, no green, orange or red. Also no fault codes/notifications on the Bluetooth app.

Anyone able to guide me to the right questions and help point me in the right direction so I can try to problem solve?

Appreciate it!


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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·
2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

ash13-mx avatar image ash13-mx commented ·
Hi - thanks for your reply.

I have a multimeter, been trying to locate blown fuses, testing battery voltages etc -

I am using the Bluetooth dongle abd victron connect app on my phone. I’m plugging it into the charge controller.


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ash13-mx avatar image ash13-mx ash13-mx commented ·
Thanks for the document, will go through the procedure later and see if anything comes up.
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Related Resources

EasySolar 1600 product page

EasySolar-II GX 3000 & 5000 product page

Faults with Victron equipment are best discussed directly with your dealer - this can be formalised with this support request form.