
Luc van Helfteren avatar image
Luc van Helfteren asked

EasySolar-II 48/3000/35-32 MPPT 250/70 GX Constant MPPT 39/87 errors


I have a EasySolar-II 48/3000/35-32 MPPT 250/70 GX connected to 2 Pylontech US5000 batteries, and the MPPT controller is throwing constant 39/87 errors. I have checked all settings, and they appear to be correct as per the Victron Pylontech documentation online.

What steps should I take next to troubleshoot? I returned the Easysolar device about a year ago for a similar issue, but I am struggling to understand why it would be showing the same behaviour again.screenshot-2023-07-15-at-120914.png

MPPT ControllersEasySolar All-in-One
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

If you click on the error you get to that page:

Check the settings of the MPPT.

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Luc van Helfteren avatar image Luc van Helfteren commented ·
I have updated to latest firmware, reset the MPPT to defaults, and then set up the battery charge voltages to appropriate for a 48V LiFePO4, but the errors continue. It seems to throw an error as soon as the charge current goes above 4-5A on the solar, although that may be a coincidence.
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Luc van Helfteren

What voltage is the battery/system charging to? That is usually what triggers the error 39.

Have you chosen a Lithium profile on the charger settings before adjusting the voltages (is temperature compensation and equalization not there anymore?)

Does it only happen on solar?

If the rest is correct, in DVCC cap the voltage to 52v and see if it continues.

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Luc van Helfteren avatar image Luc van Helfteren commented ·
There seems to be no specific battery voltage that this occurs at. I have reset the solar controller to factory and reconfigured as default 48v LiFePO4 but the issue remains. The multiplus will happily push full current into the batteries (today I had to top up from 40% (49v ish) to 98% (52v) via my generator, but even then, the MPPT was throwing these errors, even if I disconnected the generator supply. The DVCC is controlled by the Pylontech VE.CAN connection, and defaults to 52v, but these errors were occurring before this voltage was reached.
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