
n-dee avatar image
n-dee asked

block charging batteries?

In the summer, I would like to charge my batteries after 10 a.m. so that the inverters do not run into their limit.

Please @Victron include it in an upcoming update if possible.

scheduled charge
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2 Answers
d-ferdi avatar image
d-ferdi answered ·


you can control some parameters with nod-red to prevent the inverters from charging or you can limit charge current with an external circuit and an assistent for charge control. i use this to switch charge current from min to a specific value.

you can use the relais of the gx-device to do this.

i also missing a setting, to control the charge-current from node-red.


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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

you could use the 2 wire BMS assistant, and a simple switch to do this.

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