
vanlifeftw avatar image
vanlifeftw asked

Multiplus ii - 24V Air Conditioner while charging?

I'm considering purchasing the Multiplus ii 2 x 120 for a new install. I have a 24V A/C. Is it ok to charge batteries and run this A/C while on shore power? The A/C has a max draw of 45A. I can limit charging current through the BMSes to keep under the 70A spec of the inverter/charger. If it's relevant, I'll have 2 x 304Ah 24V batteries in parallel.

Or is it wiser to have a 1000W 24V power supply to run this A/C with pass-through while on shore power?


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4 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

You say 24v a/c. Do you mean you have a 24 volt DC powered air conditioner? Or did you mean to say a 240 volt ac air conditioner? Some clarity please.

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vanlifeftw avatar image
vanlifeftw answered ·

Yes, 24V DC air conditioner, thanks. And the alternative I mentioned was intended to be an AC to DC power supply, 1000 24V output.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

No problem running the ac and charging while on shore power. Just make sure you have adequate ventilation for the multi. Charging output will derate at higher temperatures.

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vanlifeftw avatar image
vanlifeftw answered ·

Ok, very cool. thanks

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
On shore power the loads are supplied from shore power. Any excess available goes to charge your batteries.

Be sure to check and adjust the max input current setting. By default it's lower than the unit max.

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