
ioannis-plastiras avatar image
ioannis-plastiras asked

I can't connect my charger and shunt to my rasberry pi 2w, any idea how to do it?

The version I installed is :


(it is the version that makes your smartphone think the raspberry pi is a generic Venus device)

The vrm portal and remote consol work but, how can I connect the other devices without cables?

Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Use the Mk3-USB adapter to connect your inverter/charger.

Use VE.Direct-USB adapters for all your devices that use VE.Direct connections

Use an off the shelf CANbus to USB adapter for VE.Can/CANbus devices

For digital inputs, relay outputs and analog inputs you need to use a "hat" board.

You'll most likely need to use a USB hub since the Zero only has one USB port. Best to use a powered hub.

Raspberry PI running Venus OS is very much a DIY project and not supported by Victron. If you aren't familiar with the ins and outs of Raspberry PI, don't know how to use unix shell commands you might be better off buying one of the Victron GX products.

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ioannis-plastiras avatar image
ioannis-plastiras answered ·

So, I can connect my charger and the shunt in one board(rasp 2w)?

with a USB hub?

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