I'm trying to figure out how to manage multiple (4) BlueSolar MPPT 100/15 devices. I figured I'd connect them to a Venus device, which of course requires 2 USB to VE.Direct cables, plus two VE.Direct to VE.Direct cables But now what?
I gather the CCGX screens are available via some sort of ethernet access to the Venus? How do I do that? Does it have a built in web server, so I just browse to that device? Or is there some other way.
Just FYI, I have zero interest in VRM. This all needs to work over the LAN, or other means local to the boat. And Bluetooth dongles are a non-starter too. They are too unreliable, and don't have the required range between the Venus and where management will be performed.
I also have read about VictronConnect and downloaded it to try. I see that I can manage the MPPTs through it, but can it connect through the Venus to the MPPTs? According to the VictronConnect manual it can't, and can only connect via a USB or bluetooth dongle.
Hopefully I'm missing something really obvious here.