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Paul asked

wrong values critical output

Fuzzy display critical loads and AC loads

Hi everybody,

I have a 3phase MPII 5000/48 setup with two Fronius inverters and ALL users only connected to its Critical (inverting) output.

Together with a 123SmartBMS, 32kWh of LiFePO4 EVE cells, a Cerbo, a SmartSolar250/100 and an EM24 everything works like a charm.

When in offgrid mode, the Symo’s nicely throttle down if batteries are full and there is little user power request.

Just one last item keeps annoing me: The wrong vaules on the Critical and AC output.

When enough solar power to feed the users and charge the batteries this is zero??

Called my supplier who advised to use the internal energymeter of the inverter/charger which isn’t as accurate as the Carlo Gavazzi EM24 3phase modbus over ethernet meter.

I tried however but now the PV production is shown as consumption???

In the setup, I can’t find the energymeter as external energymeter where the display does show the grid feed-in correctly.

Anyone with a good hint?

The system works flawless but this keeps annoing me like a scratch on the hood of your new car…


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